Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sitting on the Fence

Are you an athiest or an agnostic? Do we really care? Well, the question is certainly important to writer and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins. Dawkins says more people who call themselves agnostics are just closet athiests. I think he might have a point. Look at how athiests are demonized in this society. An athiest would never be elected president because as Dawkins says, people are too afraid of their beliefs. The problem with this is how little it is discussed in public. People need to openly admit they don't know, and we are too proud to do that. We are all so "safe" in our public comments.

So which is it?? Athiesm or agnosticism? Whatever you do, don't sit on the fence.

1 comment:

Will said...

I think I'm both.