Thursday, June 26, 2008

Anti-Planned Parenthood Letter Makes Me Angry

The following letter made me angry when I read it in a local paper. People who oppose abortion like to get on their high horse and ride.

No more funding for Planned Parenthood
Thanks to syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin for her commentary (The Reporter, June 5), titled "Planned Parenthood's Obscene Profits."
She reminded us of the $336,000,000 that Planned Parenthood (PP) receives from the taxpayer through grants and contracts at state and federal levels, 34 percent of its budget.
If the flow of free money were to end, perhaps the local PP office, which provides contraceptives and abortion referrals to its profit-making killing centers in Appleton and Madison, would be forced to close its doors.
Legislation to defund PP has been proposed: The Title X Family Planning Act, S.351. It would amend the Public Health Services Act to prohibit family planning grants to "any entity that performs abortions."
Immediate result of passing this bill? Cut off taxpayer funding, depriving PP of one-third of its budget and forcing closure of a significant part of its abortion operation in order to keep funding for other projects.
American Life League ( and Fidelis ( are committed to keeping the pro-life American taxpayer from being forced to subsidize abortions.
Thomas Jefferson said, "To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."
Now is the time to contact our congressmen in Washington and say, "No more funding for Planned Parenthood."

I will keep the author anonymous so as not to tarnish her reputation. Calling Planned Parenthood "profit making killing centers" misses the entire point, the main idea behind the group as I see it. As I understand it, the organization is built on compassion for other human beings, especially as advocates for women who SHOULD have control of their own bodies. I would point the author of this terse letter to a statement from PP on their website...

Planned Parenthood is committed to protecting and defending women's access to the full range of reproductive health care — including access to abortion. Decisions about childbearing should be made by women, their families, and their doctors — not by politicians.
In order to make an informed decision, women need access to all reproductive health care options and should have the right to seek and obtain safe,
legal abortion services without interference from the government.
Despite the health benefits safe, legal abortion offers women,
opponents of a woman’s right to choose continue to chip away at abortion access — in the courts, in the U.S. Congress, and in state legislatures.
Freedom of choice is the cornerstone of reproductive rights. Planned Parenthood works in the states, at the federal level, and around the world to protect every woman’s right to make her own decisions about childbearing. If politicians really want to reduce the number of abortions, they should adopt commonsense solutions, such as increased access to affordable contraception and comprehensive, medically accurate sex education.

Our letter writer(let's call her Betsy) shows a mentality(us against them) which is pretty close to people who have enough pent up anger to go out and kill abortion doctors. The ignorance is almost unfathomable. How can we teach these people other more intelligent ways to think about issues like this? How do we teach critical thinking skills to people who simply do not have them??? They truly think they have God on their side. That's sad. They couldn't be farther from the truth.

Take a look at this site:

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